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Cavagna Group
Cavagna Group

The Advantages Of A Metered Lpg Supply

Aug 1, 2018

In Europe, and indeed all around the world, natural gas networks cannot reach all of the urban and rural areas. The location and logistics of some residential areas leave them with no choice! In such cases, looking for alternative energy sources in order to fuel heating and cooking appliances is mandatory.

So, what to do? Start by choosing a metered LPG supply, for example.

Cavagna Group S.p.A. | The Advantages Of A Metered Lpg Supply

A metered LPG supply is an ideal solution to support property development where a natural gas network is not feasible. Users still benefit from accurate meter readings and the guarantee of the same level of efficiency as the main distribution network.

Most users prefer to install a communal LPG tank, or a set of tanks connected to their houses. The LPG tank can be placed above ground or underground. In both cases, an underground piping system distributes the fuel to the connected houses.

Many advantages both for gas companies and end users

Not surprisingly, the metered LPG estate solution is becoming more and more popular, as customers can benefit from a continuous and reliable gas supply.

Thanks to the remote gas monitoring feature, LPG suppliers can remotely monitor the gas remaining in the tank and refill it promptly. Therefore, customers no longer have to order their gas.

Moreover, each house is equipped with its own domestic gas meter, which makes it easy to monitor actual gas consumption. Each property owners periodically receive a bill based on a reading of their LPG meter, and they can keep track of all of the data thanks to advanced gas monitoring systems.

Gas distribution companies need a reliable and up-to-date technological solution as well. And in terms of remote monitoring, smart meters can be such a great help for utility companies.

Thanks to remote notificationsalarm systems and remote control of valves, smart gas meters help gas companies to lower total costs.

Cavagna Group S.p.A. | The Advantages Of A Metered Lpg Supply


Outlined above, were just a few of the reasons for which metered LPG supplies are becoming valid allies, especially when we are in rural or newly developed areas. A metered LPG estate offers the same benefits as the natural gas network. But with a significant reduction of costs and fewer concerns for domestic users! In fact, they will no longer have to worry about a lack of gas supply.

Cavagna Group