Dear valued customers and partners,
Firstly, we hope that this message finds you well and in good health.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Cavagna Group, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation for your solidarity these past few weeks.
With every effort, the Cavagna Group has continued to support its customers during these difficult weeks to ensure continuity in the energy supply chain, but above all to ensure maximum production output to meet the peak demand for medical devices.
We can say with pride that we have managed to cope with this moment of strain and uncertainty, and at the same time maintain close ties with people and their needs.
In spite of the many difficulties and some initial bewilderment, we continued to press on and we have found that protecting people’s health and keeping production going are compatible objectives.
The way we have had to work has certainly meant many sacrifices from everyone and a great sense of responsibility, determination and cohesion, but it has led to a new sense of social commitment.
We are now slowly overcoming the peak of the emergency in Italy, the trend in new infections is showing some positive, encouraging signs at last. Our country is actively engaged in the transition to stage two during which the aim is to allow all of us to gradually resume our social life and for industries to start up production again.
As far as we are concerned, we are ready to give further impetus to our production process during stage two and carry on taking all the precautions required to ensure the continuity of our business in complete safety and to protect the health of our staff, our partners, those who work with us, and our suppliers.
Our entire workforce will continue to be involved in the regular running of the production, sales, administrative, logistics and design processes.
The decisions that are being taken these days on the resumption of production involve very important and decisive choices, which will profoundly affect the industrial, economic and – above all – social future of Italy.
The Cavagna Group has a long history behind it, full of capable people, and has a clear strategy for the future that we hope will benefit everyone over time.
Our goal is to return to our pre-emergency production levels and continue to be at the forefront of the development of innovative technologies for our devices. Moreover, we aim to continue to be a strategic partner on which you can rely.
We are aware that you count on us, our products and our services to conduct your business and – even during this situation – we will continue our policy of fairness and compliance with the commitments we have undertaken.
Thank you again for your trust and solidarity during these challenging times.

Ezio Cavagna

Davide Cavagna