Furthermore, Cavagna Group adheres to Innova for Italyjoint initiative of the Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitization, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of University and Research, together with “Invitalia” and in support of the structure of the Extraordinary Commissioner for the Coronavirus emergency, Domenico Arcuri.

Innova for Italy” invites Italian companies, universities, public and private bodies and research centres, associations, etc., to indicate their own technologies and solutions that can provide a contribution in the field of prevention, diagnostics and monitoring devices for the containment and prevention of the spread of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) throughout the national territory.

Cavagna Group takes part in the “Innova for Italy” initiative with its valves with digital pressure gauges and equipped with IoT LoraWAN system for data transmission, which allows the monitoring of oxygen cylinders.

These valves are equipped with a communication module that allows you to track the location of the oxygen cylinder via GPS (outdoor), and importantly, is able to “remotely” indicate the time and gas content remaining before the cylinder is empty. Thanks to a cloud platform, that collects data, this information can be easily collated and managed for healthcare professionals and gas companies.

With the ability to remotely control the amount of oxygen remaining in the cylinder, the advantages of this smart technology are apparent:

  • the direct contacts with patients are minimized for the healthcare professionals;
  • the possibility of calculating the need for cylinders in advance, improving the logistics, especially now that their shortage can be a serious problem.

IoT operations dedicated to oxygen cylinders are possible in the area of Brescia thanks to the collaboration with A2A Smart City which supports communications of the smart oxygen valves through its LoRaWAN network. The Poliambulanza hospital in Brescia has already showed its interest in using the system.

Moreover, Cavagna Group has been involved in an original projectpromoted by Isinnova in collaboration with an engineering firm, to adapt snorkeling masks as emergency respirators. Cavagna Group and many other companies have used their 3D printers to make a batch of 500 specific valves requested by Brescia hospitals.

In conclusion, the governing bodies and the Cavagna family wish to thank their employees, collaborators and suppliers, who with their great will and extraordinary sense of duty are working cohesively to overcome the most difficult social and economic moment from the post-war period to today. Contribution to our society at this time is recognised at all levels and the Group is proud to play its part being a supplier of essential goods.