If we want to speak a common language in the world of gas cylinders, we must ensure the standardization of their characteristics and safety in accordance with ISO/TC 58. Whether you are a producer and seller of gas, a part of the distribution chain or even the end user, being able to refer to parameters that are universally recognized represents an advantage and a guarantee. Naturally, when we talk about gas cylinders, we are also referring to the indispensable valves and regulators that make the management of gases efficient and reliable. For this reason, the Cavagna Group is committed to ensuring that standards of reference are increasingly detailed in terms of transparency and accuracy. And it does so as a member of no fewer than 34 international organizations. Unfortunately, there are still some areas of uncertainty and deregulation on the world stage, which should be rectified as soon as possible.
One example concerns the product quality of gas cylinders. Different tests are required in order to ensure their reliability, and they must be carried out in accordance with precise, validated procedures. However, in some geographical areas today, these tests may vary considerably on a case-by-case basis.
Promoting and then applying the standardization of rules not only raises safety levels, it also leads to positive effects on the reference gas market as a whole. This includes benefits in terms of competitiveness and costs.
It also ensures a strong incentive for research; in this field, investments in technological development are marketable and give the company a remarkable competitive advantage. It is also important to avoid the chaos of non-harmonized standards and non-unified testing parameters, because it is difficult to deal with a market where standards are only “promised” and not actually verified and certified.
Furthermore, the need to have accurate and recognized international standards has become even more urgent with the introduction of technologically advanced valves and gas regulators, many of which are equipped with digital components. Lastly, having unassailable standards in place drastically reduces bureaucracy and allows for more reasonable dialogue to take place in countries where demand could grow if it was released from domestic burdens. Considering this scenario, international standardization organizations are working intensely on the issue, with the support of global gas associations and the collective experience of experts in the industry. It is not an easy job, but any serious and responsible business is aware of the importance of these goals— and that very awareness is what drives us to achieve them as quickly as possible.